Homeopathy is a alternative medicine developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician in 1796. It is based on the principle that "like cures like". In simple words, it means that any substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a sick person.
For eg.An onion is a substance which makes your eyes water and your nose burn. If you are having an attack of hay fever with watering eyes and a burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made from onion can relieve it.
Homeopathy is scientific, gentle, safe, rapid and permanent method of healing. It treats the disease from its roots, for most of the ailments. Homeopathy does not suppress or treat outwardly, it heals the patient from within.
Homeopathy does not suppress or treat outwardly, it heals the patient from within.
Homeopathy is based upon science while its application is an art. It's practice based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself.
Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own healing ability. Homeopathic doctors considering the totality of the patient's symptoms, personal traits, physical, psychological state, life history and selects the most appropriate medicine based on the individual's specific symptoms and personal level of health.
Before the medicines are decided upon, their curative powers are discovered by testing them out on healthy human subjects and carefully noting emotional, mental and physical changes. This is termed a 'proving'.
Homeopathically prepared remedies are given in a minimum dose which is gentle, powerful, safe, non-addictive, and not tested on animals.
Homeopathy is a Holistic Medicine working on the concept that life is composed of body, mind, and spirit (Vital energy). According to homeopathy, it is not from external things or from Individual organs that man becomes sick but its due to rearrangement of inner energy (vital force) is the basic cause of illness.
Therefore, Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole not just a particular disease and not believe in giving different medicines for different affected parts of the body.
Nosodes - These are drugs prepared from morbid parts or secretions of animals.The extract is similarly dilluted to remove the toxicity of the drug and thereon with further successions higher potencies are produced.A few examples of these are,Anthracinum (Diseased spleen of sheep), Medorrhinum (Morbid Grease of horse)
Sarcodes - These are drugs prepared from healthy parts or secretions of animals.E.g Pancreatin (Secretion of the pancreas).Higher potencies are efficacious in treatment of various disorders.
Imponderabilla - This is very important and unique feature of homeopathy.Drugs are actually prepared from universal energies.That is for example,Alcohol is exposed to X-rays to have a drug called X-ray. Drugs are even prepared from moon rays.
The term "Homoeopathy" originated from the Greek words "Homoeos" and "Pathos" which means "similar" and "suffering or disease" respectively.Homoeopathic system of treatment is based on the axioms OR low "similia similibus curentur" which means "let like be treated by likes".Though this is a practice known to the world in the earlier generations, the credit of using it in the science of healing for the first time and developing it into a branch of medical science goes to Samuel Hahnemann. He had spared a long and useful life of 88 years during which he benefited the suffering humanity immensely by introducing this new system of medicine. This medical science firstly originated by a German physician Dr. Hahemann.
Introduction and Cinchona Bark experiment = Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann was a German Allopathic Physician. Though he set up his practice, as an allopathic medical practitioner, he stopped it with utter dissatisfaction towards the medical science that he had mastered and started translating books from German to English. While engaged in translating once he came across a comment from Cullen's work, Materia Medica which stated it was the bitter taste of cinchona bark that cured Malaria. This aroused the curiosity of Dr. Hahnemann and he tested the medicine on his body. Surprisingly, his body showed symptoms of Malaria and then he tested the same on his family members also. This was the first example of drug proving that led to the discovery of Homoeopathy in 1790.His attention was arrested by the remark of the author that cinchona bark cured malaria because of its bitterness and toxic effects of the stomach. This explanation appeared unsatisfactory to him.
Homoeopathy origin in India
Homoeopathy came to India as early as 1810 when a French traveler, Dr. John Martin Honigberger who learned Homoeopathy from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann visited India and treated patients with Homoeopathy.
In his second visit in the year 1839, he treated the then ruler of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Dulcamara. Maharaja was so happy with results and he encouraged him to continue the Homoeopathic treatment in India.
Homoeopathy continued to spread and Indians found in its philosophy and principles, a reflection of their belief and culture. The ancient Hindu physicians had, in fact recognized the "Law of Similars" as one of the principles of treatment. In the Bhagwat Purana, written hundred of years ago in the Bhagwat Purana – a Sanskrit couplet says "Vishaya Vishmoshashi" to which Homoeopathy took root and flourished. Surgeon Samuel Brooking, a retired Medical Officer had the courage and conviction to establish a Homoeopathic Hospital at Tanjore, in South India, in 1847. There have been a number of other well-known enthusiasts like Dr. Cooper and Dr. J. Ruther ford Russel, two Government Medical Officers, Mr. H. Ryper, a military pensioner, Captain May and others of Calcutta, made Homoeopathy popular among the masses of Bengal. Last but not the least, was the services rendered by Dr. C. J. Tonnere, M.D. the French Homoeopath, proved "Acalpha Indica" in the year 1851 was first Health Officer of the town of Calcutta and later he established Homoeopathic Hospital.
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared largely from naturally occurring substances like 1) Plant kingdom
1) Plant kingdom
2) Animal kingdom
3) Mineral kingdom
Homeopathic medicines are derived from various sources such as:
1) Plant kingdom
• There are over 2000 homeopathic drugs that have been proved and are in use world over. The process of preparing is unique. The mother tincture, which is the core extract of the plant that may come from the roots or stem or leaves or fruit or the entire plant is prepared and then is diluted with alcohol to form various higher potencies by giving what is called as succussions. Succussions are repeated beatings given to the bottle containing the mixture (mother tincture of the drug diluted with prescribed amount of alcohol) to extract the hidden medicinal powers or energy of the drug. It comes in various potencies starting from 6x to 12x to 30c to 200c to 1000c(1M) to 50M to CM in the ascending order. Some examples or drugs from plant kingdom are Arnica montana, Bryonia alba, Cinchona officinalis, Pulsatilla nigricans, Rhus tox, Symphytum etc.
There are so many drugs which is prepared from plant kingdom. Some examples are:
1) Drug name = Ocimum sanctum
Common name = tulsi
2) Drug name = Syzygium jambolanum
Common name = java plum,jamun
3) Drug name = Calendula
Common name = marigold
4) Drug name = Allium Sativa
Common name = garlic
5) Drug name = Allium cepa
Common name = onion
2) Animal kingdom
Several homeopathic drugs are prepared from the animal kingdom which are prepared in the similar manner as that of the plant kingdom the only difference being here the part of the whole animal is taken to prepare the medicine. A few examples of drugs are, Latrodectus mactans, Tarentula hispania (Spanish spider), Tarentula cubensis (Cuban spider), Naja tripudians (King Cobra), Vipera (Russell’s viper), Sepia (Dried inky juice of cuttle fish), Cantharis (Spanish fly).
Many homeopathic drugs are prepared from the animal kingdom which is prepared in a similar manner as that of the plant kingdom the only difference being here the part of the whole animal is taken to prepare the medicine.
A few examples of animal kingdom drugs are listed below:
1) Drug name = tarantula hispanica
Common name = Spanish spider
2) Drug name = Vipera
Common name = Russell's viper
3) Drug name = naja tripudians
Common name = king cobra
4) Drug name = sepia
Common name = dried inky juice of cuttle fish
5) Drug name = cantharis
Common name = Spanish
3) Mineral kingdom
The drugs under this category are very useful and have a good medicinal effect. Individual drugs or compounds are taken and medicines are prepared. It also contains elements such as Phosphorous. A few examples are Calcarea carbonica (Calcium carbonate–CaCo3), Phosphorus (Phosphorus), Calcarea phosphorica (Calcium phosphate–Ca3 (PO4)2), Natrum muriaticum (Sodium chloride–NaCl). Acids are also included in this category such as Nitric acid (Nitricum acidum), Phosphoric acid (Acidum phosphoricum), etc. Also metals are included in this category such as Copper (Cuprum metallicum), Iron (Ferrum metallicum), Gold (Aurum metallicum) and Silver (Argentum metallicum). These metals are potentized with Saccharum Lacts (Lactose sugar) a procedure which minimizes the toxicity of the metals and lower concentration that is higher potencies are prepared where the medicinal powers of these metals are obtained.
• The drugs under this category are very useful and have a good medicinal effect. Individual drugs or compounds are taken and medicines are prepared. It also contains elements such as Phosphorous.
• Acids are also included in this category such as:
1) Nitric acid
2) Phosphoric acid
• Also, metals are included in this category such as:
1) Drug name = cuprum metallicum
Common name = copper
These are drugs prepared from morbid parts or secretions of animals. The extract is similarly diluted to remove the toxicity of the drug and thereon with further succussions higher potencies are produced. A few examples of these are, Anthracinum (Diseased spleen of sheep), Medorrhinum (Morbid Grease of horse).
These are drugs prepared from healthy parts or secretions of animals. E.g Pancreatin (secretion of the pancreas). Higher potencies are efficacious in treatment of various disorders.
This is a very important and unique feature of Homeopathy. Drugs are actually prepared from universal energies. That is for example, Alcohol is exposed to X–rays to have a drug called X–ray. Drugs are even prepared from Moon rays.
Homeopathy is a holistic science as it treats by a minute or nano doses of natural drug substances. There should always be a reason for opting anything. In case of the homeopathic system of medicine, it has many reasons as it is based on natural laws and principles.
*Homeopathy can be used in any age group and specifically safer in children, infants, pregnant women and old persons.
*These medicines are too much convenient and easy to consume.
* Homeopathic principle states that during treatment we should treat an individual as a whole, so Homeopathic treatment is very much beneficial for the persons who suffer from more than one or complex diseases.
*Homeopathic medicines act directly on our nervous system, hence it also boosts up our immune system.
*Homeopathic medicines don't have too much effect on the person if taken wrongly or accidentally.
*They even don't harm our pocket much as they are cheaper in cost.
*As a Homeopathic medicine contains sub physiological quantities of doses so they don't cause any structural damage to the body. So we can say that homeopathic medicines have no side effects.
*In rare cases, if homeopathic medicines produce any allergic reactions to the patient, they will not be harmful as they produce only a short time period of medicinal aggravations and can be easily antidoted by other homeopathic medicines. Their antidotes are completely safe and effective and don't produce any damage or illness to the individual.
*In some of the common surgeries, homeopathy acts as a boon as it can prevent the patient from undergoing pain and side effects of surgeries. As it can treat tonsillitis, adenoids, nasal polyps, lipoma, specific cases of renal and gall stones etc without any surgical intervention.
Myth – Does homeopathy have some limitations?
Fact – Every science has some limitations. Homoeopathy is not an exception. Homoeopathy does not claim to treat all the disease which demands immediate medical attention till the patient is out of danger.
Some diseases that have advanced to a stage that they need surgery might not respond to homeopathic remedies. But homeopathy can avoid some surgical conditions like tonsillitis, adenoids, nasal polyps, non-healing ulcers in spite of skin grafting, in many cases amputations can be avoided etc. There is a long list of proven cases.
Myth – Is homeopathy capable of curing medical illness?
Fact – Homeopathy has proved its efficacy in treating auto-immune disorders, allergies, female disorders, diseases of children and elderly people. Acute cases including seasonal diseases can be effectively treated with homeopathic remedies. In fact, some diseases are curable only by homeopathic medicines.
Myth – Are supplements advisable along with homeopathy?
Fact – Supplements are a part of homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy has a limited role in nutritional disorders as the food that is deficient in essential nutrients should be taken first.
In certain conditions where another source of nutrients is necessary then supplements are recommended.
Myth- Are lab investigations required in homeopathy?
Fact-Yes.For proper diagnosis and effective homeopathic prescription, lab investigations such as X-ray, blood tests, MRI etc. are needed.
As I have said earlier homeopathy is not different from modern medical science, so various lab investigations are necessary to make a diagnosis that is helpful in remedy prescription.
Myth-Is homeopathy a "magic pathy"?
Fact- No. homeopathy is no other than science, it is not true to call it a magic pathy. Lack of understanding of how homeopathic treatment works it gives rise to a myth that it is a "magic pathy".
Myth-Does onion, garlic, tea, stimulants like coffee and alcohol have any effect on homeopathic remedies?
Fact- Homeopathic medicines are absorbed from the tongue and the inner lining of the mouth hence patients are asked not to eat or drink anything 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after taking the medicine. Certainly, restricted diet needed to be followed which is disease related such as purine containing food in gout, sour food in tonsil, preservatives and so on. Generally, anything that contains Caffeine, Coca (e.g. Coca-Cola), Menthol, Camphor, Peppermint, excessive Salt etc. should be avoided because these may antidote (but not always) the effects of some homeopathic medicines.
Myth-Does homeopathy treat the diseases permanently?
Fact-Homoeopathy treats the patient not the disease. Permanent cure depends on the stage and severity of the disease. I don't say homeopathy is an ultimate medicine, certain cases of the advanced stage in which cure is not possible we palliate the symptoms to give relief to the patient.
Myth-Can we take homeopathy medicines along with allopathy medicines?
Fact-Yes, homeopathic medicines can be taken along with allopathy but it is advised that your consultant homeopathic doctor must know which allopathic medicines you are taking.
Myth-Can we take homeopathy medicines along with allopathy medicines?
Fact-Yes, homeopathic medicines can be taken along with allopathy but it is advised that your consultant homeopathic doctor must know which allopathic medicines you are taking.
Myth-Do homeopathy medicines aggravate the symptoms?
Fact-Homeopathic aggravation is misinterpreted. There may be a mild increase in the symptoms in few cases in which suppression with allopathic drugs is there. In some cases when the allopathic medicines are discontinued then the suppressed disease comes in true form. In any chronic disease, the selection of remedies will be based on the disease condition and the susceptibility of the patient so that unwanted aggravations will be avoided.
Myth-Is homeopathy effective in structural changes in the body?
Fact-There are numerous documented cases that have proved the efficacy of homeopathic remedies that it can reverse the structural changes in the body.
Myth-Does homeopathy treat only chronic conditions?
Fact-As many people are getting aware of homeopathy, I have many patients with acute illness. Homeopathy is a great alternative medicine in cases of acute diseases e.g. it is very effective in a cough, cold, fever, otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia etc with instant relief.
Myth-Action of homeopathic remedies is slow. Is it true or false?
Fact-This is not true. Homeopathy has been labeled as slow acting because of delay in treatment of chronic cases. As the chronic diseases are persisting for a long time in the body and have a remarkable negative effect on health it takes time to come to normal health position. Unfortunately, people go to a homeopath only when the acute problems become chronic or the conventional approaches fail to be effective.
In acute cases, homeopathy is effectively prescribed and has shown positive results e.g. infections, fever, diarrhea, etc. It is true that homeopathy is slow to act in comparison to steroids, anti-inflammatory medicines; painkillers etc. but the side effect of theses so called fast acting drugs is well known.
Myth-Is homeopathy safer during pregnancy and in infants?
Fact-Yes, Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and have no side effects, so they are safe to be prescribed during pregnancy and in infants.
Myth- Are homeopathic doctors against surgery?
Fact- No, homeopathy is not against surgery. Certain diseases where surgery is needed no other alternative medicine can substitute the task of surgery.
Surgery is a part of the homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy medicines are given in pre and post surgical conditions. There are various homeopathic remedies in such cases, few of them are: Thiosinamum helps in post surgical scarring; Ruta is helpful in damage to tendons or cartilages during surgery with pain or delayed recovery; Phosphorus is given in hemorrhage during or after surgery; Naja given in hypotension resulting from shock, etc.