Urinary Related Problem

Urinary tract infection refers to infection of any of the parts of the urinary tracts such as those of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.

Infection in the upper urinary tract generally affects the kidneys termed as pyelonephritis , causing symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, vomiting.

The lower urinary tract consists of the bladder and the urethra. Infection in the lower urinary tract can affect the urethra called as urethritis or the bladder called as cystitis .

However, following terms may be used specifically:
pyelonephritis or nephritis refers to infection of kidney.
ureteritis refers to infection of ureters,
cystitis refers to infection of the bladder and urethritis for the infection of urethra.

Causes of UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection )

• Females are at a higher risk of developing urinary infection.
• infection vary from person to person according to his sex, age and the area of infection involved.
• Urinary infection is mainly caused by E-coli bacteria although other bacteria, virus and parasites are also involved.
• Urethritis it is caused mainly due to sexual intercourse because of urethral proximity to the vagina.
Sexually transmitted diseases(STD) like Gonorrhea and Herpes simplex can also cause urethritis.

Risk factors
• spinal cord injuries or other nerve damage around the bladder
• abnormality of the urinary tract obstructing the flow of urine, for example, a kidney stone, urethral stricture or enlarged prostate
• Females who are sexually active are at a higher risk of getting infection, or using diaphragm and whose partners use condoms are also at a greater risk.
• Catheterization – patients requiring catheters have an increased risk.
• Patients having diabetes or any other chronic illness are also at great risk of developing infection.
• In old age men with enlarged prostrate are also at risk because of incomplete emptying of bladder.

UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection ) Signs and Symptoms

• Cloudy, bloody urine, with a foul or strong odor.
• Pain, burning feeling during urination.
• lower abdominal pain, heaviness, vaginal discharge.
• Men complain of pus discharge from penis, dysuria , frequency and urgency in urine.
• low grade fever in children
• Frequent urge to urinate, even after emptying of bladder.
• Nausea and vomiting.
• A new born show signs of fever, vomiting, jaundice and refusing the mother feed.

Investigations of UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection )

• CBC (Complete blood count)
• Urinalysis : urine is analyzed to determine the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, and also for certain chemicals, such as nitrites in the urine.
• Urine culture is usually done to identify the bacteria in the urine.
• IVP (intra-venous pyelogram)
• Blood culture
• Cystoscopy may also be done to look inside the urethra and bladder.

Complications of UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection )

• formation of abscesses, fistula or kidney damage.
• dehydration, kidney failure, sepsis (blood infection) and even death.
• premature delivery in pregnant females and a low birth weight for the infant.

Diet/management of UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection)

• Drinking plenty of water every day
• Avoiding the urge to urinate
• urinate after a sexual intercourse
• maintain a good hygiene
• switch to a different method of birth control
• Intake of Vitamin C which helps in reducing the growth of bacteria.
• Consuming yogurt
• Having fruits such as pineapple which also reduces the infection
• Cranberries and blueberries contain antioxidant properties have an important role in reducing the risk of infection (unsweetened juice )
• Prolonged bicycling, motorcycling, horseback riding, and similar physical activities and exercises may increase the risk of bladder infections. Limiting these types of activities may be necessary.
• Avoiding tea, coffee, alcohol, spicy food .

Treatment of UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection )

• For mild infections, oral antibiotics are usually recommended.
• Patients who are severely ill may require intravenous (IV) antibiotics and admission to a hospital.

Homeopathic treatment for UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection )

Every branch of science has its own scope and limitations, so does Homeopathy. Although Homeopathy has a lot of very good remedies for curing & controlling auto-immune disorders, male & female disorders, children and elderly people.

In cases of any emergency situation such as poisoning, serious abdominal complaints (such as acute appendicitis and pancreatitis), fractures, injury, and accidents should be first taken to emergency. However a patient can consult his homeopathic physician after recovering from his initial phase. Please note Homeopathy plays no role in treating any nutritional disorders.

The scope of Homeopathy is limited; it is the sole responsibility of the physician to decide upon the cure – by looking into the complete nature of the disease, onset and stage of the disease and then act accordingly.

Apis mellifica- • Frequent urination with burning
• Burning and soreness when micturating
• lack of thirst
• tendency to swollen hands and feet
• incontinence in urine
• last urine drops burn

Mercurius Corrosivus – • Onset is less intense , but there may be blood in the urine at an early stage
• Intense burning in urethra
• Urine hot with bloody discharge
• Tenesmus of bladder
Pulsatilla – • Burning in urethral orifice
• Involuntary micturation while coughing
• Pain in the bladder
Staphysagria – • Cystitis
• Ineffectual urging to urinate
• Burning in urethra
• Frequent micturation
• Prostrate complaints
Lycopodium – • Pain in back
• Retention of urine
• Child cries before urinating
• Polyuria at night
• Red sand in urine

Upper respiratory tract infections
Chronic pyelonephritis
Acute pyelonephritis
Chronic pyelonephritis
Acute renal failure
Chronic renal failure
Renal stone